Monday 8 September 2014

Being a Single

10 Things you should do while you still  SINGLE

1. Go whenever you want : holiday, shopping, hiking, backpacking and whatever you like. When you married, you need to consider your husband, need to ask permission.

2. Do whatever you want: stupid things, hangout with girlfriends, be at whatever you want but consider the limits.

3. Manage your life so that you don't need to depend to others.

4. Manage your money well, get some savings for future.

5. be with your family a lot, because after married, you need to divide your time because you already have 2 families.

6. Go and see someone you love very much lot, spend time together, because it will be different when you get married.

7. Be beautiful as much as you can, love yourself well, go spa, facial, pamper yourself, because after married you need to take care for others.

8. Do side income, so that, you will get some money for you in the future.

9. Be rich and be 0 debt

10.Get friends, go outside see the world.

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